Friday, September 13, 2019

September News 2019

September 13, 2019

Dear PreK Families, 

Hartford School District Prek programs have Teacher In-Service on the third Friday of the
month. The In-Service dates for the 2019-20 school year are as follows: 


Since there is PreK In-Service on September 20th, our class’ picture day for PreK will be
on November 8, 2019 which is the WRS school picture retake day. Please fill out the order
form from Lifetouch or order your pictures online. 

Our PreK class also participates in the PTO Boxtops program. There is a collection
container just inside our classroom door. Check your boxes of food at home for the Boxtop
logo. Just cut them out and bring them in to drop in our folder. Thank you!

We have finished our All About Me books, please check your child’s backpack for these.
The students made pictures about their favorite things, such as: colors, foods, toys, birthday
cakes, and pictures of their family. Next, we will be learning about apples, and how they grow.
Please send in an apple with your child to share with the group by Thursday, September 19th. 

We have started our fresh fruit program at snack time. We receive fresh fruit for snack three
days a week, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Your child will be offered fresh fruit at
snack time each day. 

Last year, the Prek Class started practicing Yoga at circle time. We will continue this activity.
Yoga and mindfulness have been shown to produce positive changes in the brain in people. 
There have been changes in self-awareness, communication, and overall self-regulation after
beginning regular yoga practice. Implementing a yoga practice in the classroom will help
the students to pay more attention, regulate their emotions, get physical exercise and have
fun. I aim to incorporate ten minutes of yoga practice into circle time, for at least three times
a week.  Please check out the yoga cards on the bulletin board in the hallway. 

Thank you, 
Mrs. Zayas & Mrs. Paronto


Friday, 9/20- NO PreK, EEE In-Service 

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