Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November News

 Monday, November 15, 2021

Dear PreK Families, 

Last week, Vermont Institute of Natural Science came to visit our classroom for the first time this year. The teacher did a Small Wonders Pre-K activity with our class and will come back to the school in January and April of 2022. Our first topic was ball and ramps. It was the perfect addition to our classroom study of simple machines, which focused on wedges, incline planes (we called these ramps), screws, wheels, and levers. We did lots of building with different types of blocks, and discussed balance and weight. We read many books: Just a Little Bit by Ann Tompert, Building a House by Byron Barton, Henry Builds a Cabin by DB Johnson, and Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh.

This week, we have started learning about the Thanksgiving Holiday. Next week, our school will have the Thanksgiving Feast. This is a favorite activity each year. This year, we will have to eat in our classrooms again, but we will still enjoy a delicious lunch. Usually, the whole school all eats in the gym and we have a family style meal. Hopefully, we will be able to return to that in the future. Each class makes a contribution to the meal. We ask PreK families to donate  a jar of applesauce if they are able to do so. 

In our classroom, we practice yoga each day as part of our gross motor movements. The students have learned many poses now and are able to do most poses. Recently, we used the YouTube channel Cosmic Kids Yoga during our rainy days last week. It is a great channel for indoor movement ideas. 

                                    Biking on the playground during the nice fall weather. 

Now that it is getting colder outside, it is time to think about winter gear. At PreK, we go outside for recess every day, unless it is raining or below 10 degrees fahrenheit. Your child should have a full set of winter gear for outdoor play, Including: hat, jacket, mittens, snow pants and boots. You may choose to leave a pair of sneakers or other indoor shoes at school for your child to store in his/her cubby. Please label your child’s gear, as many children have the same colors of mittens, boots, and etc. We have spare items for when children forget an item at home, but please try to check that your child has all of the necessary things each day- as we go outside for 2 recesses. 

Also, if you are interested, our school helps to make holiday baskets for people in need over the holidays. We are collecting canned fruit for the baskets. You may send in cans with your child if you’d like to participate. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Zayas  


11/19 No PreK: ECP In-Service

11/24-11/26 No School: Thanksgiving Break 

12/17 No PreK: ECP In-Service

12/23-1/2 No School - Winter Break