Sunday, March 6, 2022

March News

 Monday, March 7th

Dear PreK Families, 

We completed an author study of Jan Brett books, including: The Mitten, The Hat, The Snowy Nap, Hedgie’s Surprise, Annie and the Wild Animals, and The Three Snow Bears. While reading these books, we also discussed what animals do in the winter; some migrate, some hibernate or become dormant, and some stay active. This week, we will have a visit from the environmental educators at VINS to learn about animal tracks and bears. 

The week before the February vacation, we did some fun activities around Valentine’s Day and we celebrated at the end of the week with Read at the Beach, a school wide celebration. Since returning from the break, we have begun a unit on fairy tales. The students have been very engaged with the stories that we have read so far. After this unit, we will do some work around the St. Patrick's Day holiday. 

We love to read in PreK. 

We are still working on learning the proper formation for uppercase letters. We should finish right before the April vacation. If your child is writing at home, please remind them to use a proper pencil grip and to make their letters from the top down. 

We have loved playing in all of the snow on the playground. Hopefully, we will not have too  much mud on our playground with the warmer temperatures coming our way. 

For students who will be going to kindergarten next year, you should have received a sheet of paper in your child’s backpack last week. If your child will be attending WRS for kindergarten, fill out the form and return it to school. If Mrs. Cooney needs more information from you, she will contact you. 

On 3/24 and 3/25 we will be having PTC on-line again. You will receive a link to sign up for a meeting time later this week. 

Thank you, 



3/18 No PreK - ECP In-Service

3/24 Early Release - PTC


4/11-4/15 NO SCHOOL - April Vacation