Friday, September 13, 2019

Start of School

September 6, 2019

Hello PreK Families,

We have had a great start to the school year and are having a lot of fun in the classroom. All
of our returning students remembered the school routines after the summer break. Our new
students are adjusting well to our classroom learning environment and making new friends.  

If your child will be absent from school, please call the office to let us know, the number is
295-8650. Otherwise, the school secretary will give you a call to see why your child is not
at school. 

Thank you to everyone who attended the WRS Open House and Hot Dog Dinner! It was
great to see you. 

We have started the year with an All About Me Unit. We are having discussions at circle
time, reading books in the classroom, and making special memory books. We will send
them home when they are completed. 

School picture day is coming up soon. We will send more information when it is available.
Order forms will be distributed. Please fill out the form and send in a check or purchase
your order online.  You may purchase individual pictures of your child. Everyone will
receive a class photo. 

Family Collage Homework Project
Here is your first PreK homework assignment. Enclosed is a piece of heavy stock paper.
Please write “_______’s Family” (ex. Sally’s Family) on the top. Then, you can cut out
pictures of members of your family (or others that are close to your child) and arrange
them as you like on the paper - using glue, two-sided tape, etc. to adhere them. Make
sure to write each person’s name next to their picture so that we can tell who they are.
You can also cut pictures from magazines of things that are your child’s favorites.  We
will laminate them and hang them up to view. 
Usually the preschool “homework” will not be so involved, but these collages become
a very important part of our classroom environment, and the preschoolers love to share
their family collages with their friends at school. Please try to have these done as soon
as you can so we can have everybody’s family “join us” in class every day.

Thank you,
Mrs. Zayas & Mrs. Paronto

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