December 10, 2020
Dear PreK Families,
Before Thanksgiving, we were learning about the holiday in the classroom. We had discussions about being thankful for many things in our lives, especially our needs of having a home, food, a family, friends, and toys. The students reflected on what was the most important to them personally. It was also fun to have a special Thanksgiving meal together on November 24th.
We have been very busy since returning from the Thanksgiving break. We have been reading many stories about the gingerbread man. The students have been so excited to read these stories and compare and contrast them. We have read The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth, The Gingerbread Man by Karen Schmidt, Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett, The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett, Gingerbread Mouse by Katy Bratun, Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell Ernst, and The Gingerbread Pop-Up Book by Scholastic. We will also make our own book about making a gingerbread man who runs away from the PreK students.
It has been getting colder outside. Even though there isn’t snow, many children feel warmer when they are wearing snow pants and boots out to play at recess time. Also, feel free to let your child keep a pair of indoor shoes at school during snow boot season. Each child has their own cubby to keep items in. Children that have smaller backpacks might want to have another bag (such as a reusable shopping bag) to carry snow gear to and from school.
We will be having pajama day at PreK on Tuesday, December 22nd. Your child may wear pj’s to school that day. Your child will still need to wear shoes and bring snow gear for outdoor play. If your child doesn’t want to wear pajamas to school, he or she can wear regular play clothes.
Please log into Scholastic Book Clubs if you would like to place a book order. I will send the order out tomorrow.
In case of a snow delay, you will recieve an automated call from the Superintendent's Office. The message may say that there is no morning PreK, since the other elementary schools still have half day programs. If we do have a delay, PreK would start at the same time as the elementary classes do.
Thank you,
Mrs. Zayas & Miss Taylor
12/18 No PreK ECP In-Service
12/22 Pajama Day in PreK
12/23 to 1/3 Holiday Break
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