Friday, January 10, 2020

January 202 News

January 17, 2020

Dear PreK Families, 

Since we resumed school, we have been working on projects about animals in winter and next, we
will be working on projects about winter. Next Friday, on Jan. 24, your child may bring in a stuffed
animal to class for the day. It should be hand hald sized and a stuffy that is a real type of animal:
such as a bear, rabbit, bird, fish, etc. We will be doing aporject about what the animals do in winter:
stay active, hibernate or become dormant, or migrate.

Please remember to send in your child with full snow gear every day. We have some items to borrow
for children who forget something at home, but we do not have enough for everyone. 

In December, we had a lot of fun during our unit on gingerbread and holidays. We read several
gingerbread stories and voted on our favorite. The highlight of our unit was baking a gingerbread man.
Except that he was naughty and hopped out of the oven and ran away. We had to search for him, and
we found him in the office. The best part was eating him for a snack! This month, we are making a
class book about our gingerbread man adventure. 

We have finished with our introduction to the uppercase alphabet. Soon, we will be learning how to
write the uppercase letters. Your child also recently brought home a book of counting (either 1 to 6
or 1 to 10). We will also be introducing the students to writing numbers 0 to 10. An easy way to reinforce
this learning at home is to point out letter and numbers to your child when you are in your home or out
doing errands. 

The students have been enjoying Spanish class very much. The class sings many songs with
Maestra at each class. In the classroom, we have also practiced counting to ten, naming the colors,
and learning the Spanish alphabet. Here are some links to songs that we sing together in class. It
would be great to have your child practice the songs over the school break. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Zayas & Mrs. Paronto

Friday, January 17th No PreK EEE In-Service
Monday, January 20th NO SCHOOL MLK Day
Tuesday, January 21st NO SCHOOL Teacher In-Service

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