Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October News

October 8, 2018

Dear PreK Families,

We finished our integrated unit on apples.  The students did language, math, science, social studies, art, and
cooking projects around the topic of apples. We will be reading fiction and nonfiction books about apples.
Some of those titles are: Ten Apple up on Top, My Apple, Welcome Fall: Apples, Apple Grows, Ned’s New Home,
and Ten Red Apples.  The children enjoyed learning about the stages of the apple life cycle and singing a class
favorite, “Way Up High in the Apple Tree.”

This month we will be learning about weather, the fall season, and of course Halloween.

Last week, we began an introduction to the alphabet. We use the literacy program Fundations, the same
program that is used by K-3 in our building. We begin be learning the letter names, the keywords, and the
letter sounds. It is a multi-sensory approach to learning the alphabet. In the second half of the year, we
will work on letter formation.

The nurse, Mrs. Hutchins will be doing hearing and vision screenings with PreK students this month. She
will alert families if there are any concerns.

Check your child's bag to ensure that extra clothes are seasonal and the right size.

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on Nov. 1st and 2nd. There will be no PreK on those days
so that we can meet with families. The sign-up sheet for conferences will be posted the week of 10/15.

We will have a special snack on Halloween, but we do not dress up in costumes. We will send a note about
snacks closer to the end of the month.

We have been alerted that Dancers' Corner does not want parents to park in their lot at drop off and pick up.
In the future, they will be towing vehicles that are parked there if they are not customers.

Also, please be on time for pick up at dismissal.

Thank you,

Mrs. Zayas & Mrs. Paronto

10/19 No PreK: EEE In-Service
10/26 Picture Retake Day

10/31 Halloween Special Snack

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